RAKO RFID HoverGuard Antenna
The new patented RAKO RFID HoverGuard antenna is an UHF antenna combining
EAS and RFID functions in one system. This system works with multiple reusable
UHF hard tags, sew in tags or hang tags using EPC Gen2 EAS chips.
By using this antenna it is no longer necessary to install two technologies for using
EAS and RFID functions in one single shop.
General advantages:
- combination of EAS and RFID in one system
- open entrance area in the shop (no antennas on the floor)
- continuous detection field
- plug and play installation
- possible application at several positions in the shop (entrance area, backdoors, changing rooms)
Advantages of RFID application:
- reduction of out of stock situations
- permanent inventory by using handheld readers in the shop
- possibility of statistics of EAS alarms and changing room turnover
- free from interference by systems of other shops
- very quick UHF detection by NXP chip technology (Gen2, EAS)
HoverGuard antenna datasheet
Mechanical Specifications Antenna
Antenna Dimensions 940 x 296 x 46 mm
Antenna Weight ca. 4000 g
Frequency EU Version: 865-868 MHz, US Version: 902- 928 MHz
Material Housing: ABS
Color light grey
Electrical Specifications Antenna, Reader and Controller Unit
Operating Frequency EU Version: 865-868 MHz, US Version: 902-928 MHz
Operating Detection Height 2 – 3,5 m (recommended)
Operating Detection Ground Width up to 3 m
Operating Temperature -20°C to 55°C
Alarm Light Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Alarm Audio Signal Buzzer
Radiation angle 20° (narrow direction) / 80° (broad direction)
Alarm function Preset: System gives audio alarm and light by detection of
NXP EAS bit ON (can be adjusted to different EAS data models)
Power supply 24 V/DC (Options: Power over ethernet/RS 485)
Energy Consumption 6 W max., 1,5 W stand by, 0,5 W sleep modus, <5?A power
Reader Power max. 0,5 W
Transponder Protocoll Standard ISO 18000-6C, EPC Class1 Gen2
Anticollision yes
Interface RS485, Ethernet
Conformity EN 50364, EN 301 489, EN 302 208 (LBT), EN 300
220, FCC Part 15